Every Girl Wins; is defined as an institute that teaches women and young girls Life Literacy. The purpose of Every Girl Wins is to show them they have the ability to deal with challenges that are holding them back from being successful in their personal and professional lives.

Life Literacy through Every Girl Wins means the teaching of the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, and collaborate. The first step to success is to determine what limiting belief is keeping them in their current situation. Once identified, they understand where it comes from and how to let go to move forward in life.

Once identified and understood, the next step is to show the student how to take action on their goals. Our experts teach them how to create a Life Literacy plan of action for their goals in life. This process shows them how to plan their life goals based on their personal mission and vision.

Our experts show our students how to set up an essential short-term, and long-term personal budget through our Every Girl Wins winning economic literacy program. They will learn how to write a winning one-page business plan. Our step by step business plan will show banks or investors the blueprint to a winning business.

Every Girl Wins Institute provides visual, group interaction, and written lessons for our students to succeed in our Life Literacy program and team building for projects on climate control. Create an atmosphere in knowing teamwork makes the dream work.


Outcome for Organizations

  • A proven system that supports women and young girls in becoming confident and self-sufficient.
  • A project plan for use in changing climate control.


Outcome for Individuals

  • Participants will have the ability to deal with challenges that are holding them back from being successful in their personal and professional lives.
  • Participants will gain the knowledge to create a plan of action for their personal and professional goals.
  • Participants learn how to collaborate and work as a team to create a project to effectively change climate control in their communities.
  • Participants will gain the knowledge to develop a short- and long-term personal budget.
  • Participants will gain the knowledge to create a winning business plan.
  • Participants will gain the knowledge to become self-sufficient.
  • Participants will become confident in themselves.

Ready to find out more?

Check out our Winning Life Literacy Program.