Winning Personal and Professional Development Training

Curriculum One
"What Has You Stopped"
Curriculum one is about how our limiting beliefs are holding us back from moving forward to creating the life we deserve. Our experts show our students how to move past their limiting belief story that’s holding them back in their lives through the red light limiting belief exercises.
What you will learn:
- How to identify your limiting belief in 10 easy steps.
- How to shift your negative mindset in 5 easy steps.
- How to identify and silence your inner critic.
- You will learn the power of not believing in yourself and the power of believing in yourself.

Curriculum Two
"Let It Go"
Curriculum two is about how to let go of your limiting beliefs. Our experts show our students how to release their limiting beliefs through the yellow light limiting belief exercises.
What you will learn:
- How to release your limiting beliefs.
- Who you truly are.
- How to identify and release negative-self talk in 3 easy steps.
- How to start loving yourself.

Curriculum Three
"Take Action"
Curriculum three is about how to take action to create the life you deserve. Our experts show our students how to move forward through the green light limiting belief exercises.
What you will learn:
- Your "Why" in life?
- Your vision for your life.
- How to remove the obstacles in your life to reach your life goals.
- How to create a winning blueprint to reach your goals.
- How to write a 5 year personal life goal plan.
- How to identify and create an action plan for climate control in your community.

E & E Curriculum
Economic and Entrepreneur Literacy Program
Course four is about finance and business. Our experts show our students how to set up an essential short term, and long-term personal budget through our Every Girl Wins winning economic literacy program. They will learn how to write a winning one-page business plan. Our step by step business plan will show banks or investor the blueprint to a winning business.
What you will learn:
- How to set up an essential short term, and long term personal budget.
- How to build a successful business relationship.
- How to write a one page business plan for investors.
- How to write a 5 year business plan.